Wednesday, December 9, 2015


You can call me Lami.  Hi.

That's not my real name, of course, but a variation of a name I've used quite a bit online.  I may share my real name at some point in the future, or I may get doxxed, if someone out there ever reads these posts, and gets upset enough about what I say.  If so, I'm not sure I really care, but there's no sense in making it easy for them.

What am I like?  I'm a Christian, 50-something, working, wheelchair-using woman.  I like to read, play video games, and follow controversies in the news and online.  I work from home.  My moral values are pretty traditional, maybe even controversially traditional.  My political values are nationalistic rather than globalist, and small-ell libertarian (in other words, as small a government as possible, with as few laws as necessary to keep the peace and maximize liberty for everyone).  I used to be a know-it-all, but with time comes the realization that you're not always the brightest bulb in the room, so I hope that I don't come across like that as much anymore.  Sometimes, I'm a bit crotchety.  You kids get off of my lawn!

I've always had some difficulty expressing what I want to say verbally, always had a bit of trouble finding the right words, so I've tended to keep quiet and listen to other people talking, unless I'm really comfortable with someone.  However, lately it seems that difficulty in finding words is getting worse.  I think it's a combination of being home alone and not getting out among people as much since I've become (more) disabled, and of getting older.  So one of my purposes in starting this blog is to practice expressing myself in writing, hoping that it will have a positive effect on my ability to find words when I'm talking face-to-face, and also using the intellectual exercise to delay the natural effects of aging.

My other purpose for this blog is to give me somewhere to react to what I see online and read in books.  I hope to post once a week or so, depending on what's in the news or how fast I digest the book I'm reading at the time.  I will probably touch on controversial subjects, and you may find that you don't agree with what I have to say.  You might even be offended by what I say.  I don't intend to cause offense to anyone in particular, but I'm also not going to walk on eggshells.  I'm going to say what I think, as tactfully as possible, true, but it will be what I think, and not what is politically correct.

There are a few things that I consider iron-bound Truth, and I won't debate those subjects.  Perhaps the most important for us in this culture is that there is such a thing as absolute Truth, and that Truth is not different things for different people.  God's Word gives that Truth.  Completely understanding everything in the Bible may be impossible in this lifetime, but it is all Truth, and God will help us to understand what we need to know in order to know Him.  I am not an expert in the Bible, but I have read it, and continue to read it.  I am willing to look at interpretation and accept that I may not fully understand what He has said, but many topics that are controversial in our culture are pretty clear in the Word, and in those cases, I'm going with the Word, and not the culture.  If any Christians read something I write and think that I'm off-base scripturally, please comment and explain.

Anyway, that's why I'm here.  I hope a few folks come along for the ride.

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